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Have you ever wondered how your drainage system works?

Have you ever wondered how your drainage system works?

Have you ever wondered how your drainage system works? Most of us only think about it when something goes wrong. However, knowing exactly what goes on every time we open a tap or flush the toilet is important. Understanding how it all works when the…

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Blocked drains are something we all encounter at some point in our lives

Blocked drains are something we all encounter at some point in our lives

Blocked drains are something we all encounter at some point in our lives, and no doubt you’ve heard advice about dealing with it them from your dad, your neighbour or the nosy parker who just happened to be walking their dog past your garden –…

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Drainage systems are nifty things

Drainage systems are nifty things

Drainage systems are nifty things – they get rid of all of our waste without us needing to think about it… most of the time. Sometimes, problems do happen, and they can be easy and affordable to resolve if caught early.But how can you know…

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When a drainage issue sparks up out of nowhere

When a drainage issue sparks up out of nowhere

When a drainage issue sparks up out of nowhere, it can be very tempting to take a DIY approach to tackling the problem. But this isn’t advisable. Instead, you should leave it to the professionals like J&F Drainage. Here are four reasons why this is…

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Surface water drainage

Surface water drainage

You could reduce your bill! ‘Surface water’ is another word for rainwater – more specifically, rainwater that falls on the ground, on roofs and roads, pavements and paths. And you might not realise it, but you could be paying less for your water bills if…

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Mums know best

Mums know best

Wipe away blockage misery Misleading advice on bathroom products such as baby wipes, make-up wipes and cotton wool is contributing to drainage problems for thousands of families, new research reveals. Millions of the hygiene products are flushed down the loo each week – clogging pipes…

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Think before you flush

Think before you flush

When we go to the loo, all we want to do is flush and forget. But it’s not always quite that simple. We live in a disposable age, with convenient products, which can be used and thrown away. We’ve got; wet wipes for faces, hands…

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Sewers and drains explained

Sewers and drains explained

So What are you responsible for? There are an awful lot of pipes, drains and sewers hidden away from view inside homes and under the ground – so it’s worth bearing in mind that responsibility for their upkeep is in the hands of different organisations…

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Manholes & Inspection Chambers

Manholes & Inspection Chambers

An integral part of any drainage system are the access points into it when it comes to cleaning, clearing and inspection, however the number and construction of any chambers at your property, if any will be largely dependant on its age. Building regulations as we…

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Help! My drain rods are stuck!

Help! My drain rods are stuck!

The above is one of the most common topics that we are contacted over as the hapless and frustrated home owner trying to save a few pounds has now not only got a blocked drain but he has lost his newly purchased or borrowed drain…

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